UM will act as WP4 leader and will also participate in WP2. In WP4 UM will characterise the cellular antioxidant effects of flavanols and metabolites. In addition the reactivity and hormone mimetic action of flavanols and in particular their metabolites will be determined. UM will also be involved in determining the anti- and pro-inflammatory activity of the flavonos/metabolites. In WP 2 UM will determine the NOAEL level of the selected flavonols in cellular systems end investigate interactions of the tested compounds with nutrients and drugs.
Several state of the art facilities are available including a stable isotope research centre, a proteomics centre, a genome centre and a facility dedicated to perform free radical research. The latter facility has, among other techniques, the ability to perform electron spin resonance analysis. A major line of research is directed towards the role of free radicals in drug toxicity and in (patho)-physiological conditions including several chronic diseases (like cardiovascular or lung diseases). The objective of the research is to elucidate the protective role of antioxidants and to optimise antioxidant therapy.
Prof. Dr. Aalt Bast (1953) Ph.D. is chairman of the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Universiteit Maastricht. He studied chemistry at the Free University in Amsterdam. His Ph.D. study was done at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and Utrecht University. He was appointed professor of Molecular Pharmacology at the Free University in 1988. In 1998 he started as professor of Human Toxicology at Maastricht University. His main field of interest is the role of free radicals in pathology and drug toxicity. Possibilities of therapeutic intervention with antioxidants (from food or as drugs) are explored. He has been registered both as a pharmacologist and a toxicologist. He is a member of the National Health Council and (co-)authored over 380 papers and book chapters.
Dr. Guido R.M.M. Haenen (1959) R.Ph., Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Human Toxicology at the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Universiteit Maastricht. Dr. Haenen studied Pharmacy at Utrecht University, where he graduated in 1984. He was registered as Pharmacist in 1985, and he obtained his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry at the Free University in Amsterdam in 1989. He was awarded the ‘Shell price’ for his thesis entitled ‘Thiols in Oxidative Stress’. From 1989 until 1998 he was employed by the Free University in Amsterdam and TNO in Zeist. In 1998 he joined the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology as associate Professor. He has been registered as toxicologist and clinical pharmacologist and is a member of the local Medical Ethical Review Board. He studies the role of free radical processes in disease and the modulation of free radical toxicity by drugs and nutrients. He (co-)authored over 150 papers and book chapters.
Dr. Antje R. Weseler (1974) PhD studied Pharmacy in Düsseldorf and holds a license to practice as pharmacist since 1999. Her PhD study on antimicrobial action of traditional herbal drugs was done in Heidelberg (finished in 2004). Via an EU Marie-Curie Industry Host fellowship she joined a private contract research organisation where she subsequently became responsible for clinical trials regarding the substantiation of health claims of functional foods and ingredients. Since 2007 she investigates the anti-inflammatory action of flavonoids in collaboration with Prof. Bast.
Dr. Guido R.M.M. Haenen (1959) R.Ph., Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Human Toxicology at the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Universiteit Maastricht. Dr. Haenen studied Pharmacy at Utrecht University, where he graduated in 1984. He was registered as Pharmacist in 1985, and he obtained his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry at the Free University in Amsterdam in 1989. He was awarded the ‘Shell price’ for his thesis entitled ‘Thiols in Oxidative Stress’. From 1989 until 1998 he was employed by the Free University in Amsterdam and TNO in Zeist. In 1998 he joined the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology as associate Professor. He has been registered as toxicologist and clinical pharmacologist and is a member of the local Medical Ethical Review Board. He studies the role of free radical processes in disease and the modulation of free radical toxicity by drugs and nutrients. He (co-)authored over 150 papers and book chapters.
Dr. Antje R. Weseler (1974) PhD studied Pharmacy in Düsseldorf and holds a license to practice as pharmacist since 1999. Her PhD study on antimicrobial action of traditional herbal drugs was done in Heidelberg (finished in 2004). Via an EU Marie-Curie Industry Host fellowship she joined a private contract research organisation where she subsequently became responsible for clinical trials regarding the substantiation of health claims of functional foods and ingredients. Since 2007 she investigates the anti-inflammatory action of flavonoids in collaboration with Prof. Bast.