
Universiteit Gent, Laboratory for Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Signal Transduction
K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35
11 HB 9000 Gent

Partner of WP 3, 4

Persons in charge
Guy Haegeman
Wim Vanden Berghe

The Laboratory of Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Signal Transduction (LEGEST) is part of the department of Physiology at Universiteit Gent and has an outstanding international reputation in ‘Gene Regulation’ studies in response to phytochemical compounds, in mammalian cells exposed to inflammatory stress, neurotransmitter and/or endocrine signals. UGent yearly attracts over 30,000 students, and is involved in various European biomedical research programs (FP6, FP7), including Epistem, Gutsystem, European Cell Death organisation, Oncomir, COST Action 844, Marie Curie Conferences and training Network "Death Train", etc.
UGent is member and/or (co)-organiser of following valorisation consortia: “Biomarked” provides treating physicians with more accurate and informative diagnostic tools (e.g. the Asklesios project is a longitudinal population study to identify biomarkers involved in the interplay between ageing, cardiovascular haemodynamics and inflammation in (preclinical) cardiovascular disease); "Food to know" is a multidisciplinary research cluster in ‘life sciences, food and health’ involved in development and industrial production of nutraceuticals and bioactive natural products with biomedical relevance; "Hit to lead” optimises the preclinical drug development of promising drug compound hits into early development candidates (EDCs) which can enter into clinical trial phase 1 and 2 at the Drug Research Unit (University Hospital Gent).