WP3 - Organism Functionality and Organism Vitality

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Work package 3 aims at the investigation of flavanol effects on vascular function in healthy humans.
Key findings
  • Both young and elderly, healthy subjects showed significant improvements in endothelial function, independent of age, after taking cocoa flavanols twice daily for two weeks
  • Improvements resulting from cocoa flavanol intake were related to improved arterial function and the vascular system, not mediated by cardiac function
  • Taking cocoa flavanols twice daily for 2 weeks improved circulatory unction in healthy individuals and reversed age-related increase in blood pressure and vascular stiffness.
  • Consumption of cocoa flavanols twice daily for 30 days (1 month) resulted in improved endothelia function, decreased blood pressure, and improved blood cholesterol profile (decreased total and LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol)
  • The 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) decreased by 22% and the 10-year risk of dying from coronary heart disease or CVD decreased by 37% and 30%, respectively, after twice daily intake of cocoa flavanols for 30 days
Work package 3 aims at the investigation of flavanol effects on vascular function in healthy humans.
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